the sexy bachelor - cooking, food, & survival

Civil Defense

New Zealand ..."will experience ..disasters ..such as earthquakes & volcanic eruptions in the future. Disasters are able to ruin everything you have worked for.        
While disasters cannot be stopped, their potential impacts can be reduced, so think ahead & be prepared by involving the whole family , & make an emergency plan together."  - from the Civil Defence
Different disasters will require different responses, however basic escape plans &  emergency survival kits will help prepare you to respond efficiently.

Be aware that the power, water, sewage, phones, roads may all stop functioning - the stores will be closed; ATMs, mobiles, & computers will be useless.
For more detailed info NOW contact Civil Defence:    and/or  - later may be too late!
FIRST - establish a family evacuation plan: how to get out of the house, where to gather for shelter during an earthquake, flood, or cyclone. You will either be able to say in the house OR you will have to evacuate - your local assembly point is the local primary school. Work out where you will meet up after the disaster.
SURVIVAL KIT -  put together an emergency survival getaway kit & store it near the doorway. This should at least include food & water for 3 days, a first aid kit, & clothing
RADIO - buy either a small battery or crank-powered  radio, so that you will be able to listen to instructions, information, & advice, as events unfold.
This kit should at the very least contain sufficient water & food for three days, clothing, first aid kit, bedding/sleeping bags, towels, soap, toothbrush & paste, sanitary items, spare glasses, radio, torches [ones with hand-cranks are available], a can opener matches, & candles.
Also useful would large rubbish bags for your emergency toilet, a primus or gas cooking stove, plates etc, knives & forks, ropes, tarps, a machete/axe.
For invalids, children, & pets - aids, toys, special foods.
Documents etc - if the electricity if out ATM machines will not work: you may need to stash some cash. Your driver's license  or passport may be necessary to prove your identity. Other invaluable papers include birth & marriage  certificates, financial documents [insurance policies etc] Cd's with personal/business info, family photos/memorabilia.